Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Hot Dog!

Poor Woody is not enjoying this hot weather, plus he is poorly and on anti-biotics.

He was having his usual walk, run, go crazy in the field bit of fun, when he decided to be nosey down a rabbit hole, I don't think that rabbit was very happy and must have shoved something up Woody's nose! He keeps having very bad sneezing fits which are making his nose bleed.

The vet said it could be a seed or even rabbit poo!

Anyway, he now has a bad build up of mucus and isn't allowed out for a run, just a slow stroll.

Slowly does it then Woody for a whole week! You poor thing!

Anyway, here he is with his head under the table, stands there for ages like that, silly doggy!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Poor Woody! :(