Right now, I am in the middle of doing the lining with some gorgeous purple fabric that I bought from
They do loads of beautiful fabrics (you will be spoilt for choice), linings and buttons too!
Delivery was prompt and the items well packaged.
Julia was really helpful to me and gave loads off advice on how to finish my bag.
Thanks julia!
I know I did it all the wrong way round, bag first! lining last! but I am impatient and despite this back to frontness of mine, the bag is coming along ok.
I am also enjoying my new sewing machine, as you can see it has come in very handy with my bag making, I just need to learn about the stitches and get a bit straighter! lol
The bag will be mine, so don't worry about it being put on Etsy!!!!
I have finished it, will upload piccies later, when there is day light, its too dull at the mo and I should really be getting ready for work lol!!
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